How we help
The Law Centre may provide advice, assistance and representation to eligible clients who cannot afford a lawyer.
Legal services
Free legal representation for those persons who qualify for legal assistance. Examples of cases dealt with at The Law Centre include:
- criminal matters
- divorce, support and other family law matters
- human rights complaints
- civil disputes
- hearings before administrative tribunals dealing with matters such as:
- employment insurance
- welfare
- landlord and tenant disputes
- Canada Pension Plan
- employment insurance

We strongly encourage you to telephone the Law Centre to discuss your eligibility for services. To determine your eligibility there is an income and asset test, as well as many other factors that will be taken into account to determine the services that might be available to you.
Assisted Divorce Program
The purpose of The Law Centre Assisted Divorce Program is to help those clients who are financially eligible and who have “simple, uncontested” divorces based on grounds of separation or adultery to obtain a divorce. All matters relating to custody, access, maintenance and division of property must have been settled prior to application for this program. While The Law Centre provides its services at no cost, the client must be able to afford disbursements (that is, fees payable to the Court Registry) which will range from approximately $270 to $330.00 or be eligible to obtain an order from the Supreme Court so that those fees will not have to be paid.
Family Law Document Preparation Assistance
Law Centre students may assist unrepresented persons prepare documents to initiate or respond to proceedings in Family Court with respect to support, custody, access, and Protection Orders.
Unrepresented persons may also receive assistance with the preparation of Supreme Court documents required to bring or respond to applications pertaining to custody, access and support.
Human Rights Clinic Services
The Law Centre will assist Complainants from the Capital Regional District who contact or are referred to it for assistance in filing a human rights complaint. It will also help Respondents who reside in the Capital Regional District who have been notified that a complaint under the Human Rights Code has been filed against them. The Law Centre will help Complainants and Respondents with understanding the Human Rights Code and the Human Rights Tribunal process, preparing an initial complaint or reply, mediating the complaint with or without involvement of the Human RightsTribunal, and representing the Complainants or Respondents at Tribunal hearings as required. Click here for more information.
Shut-in and Hospital Legal Services
Persons who are hospitalized, and persons who are unable by reason of disability or illness to attend The Law Centre may telephone The Law Centre. A staff member may visit them to take obtain instructions from them. The Law Centre staff will not give legal advice over the telephone.
Prisoner Legal Services
Law students attend William Head Penitentiary and the Vancouver Island Regional Correctional Centre (Wilkinson Road) and may be able to provide advice and assistance to prisoners.
Eligibility for Legal Services
Legal services of The Law Centre are provided to those persons who qualify financially for legal assistance, if at the time of application the Law Centre has the resources needed to assist the client.
Clients are asked in confidence to provide The Law Centre with information about their income and assets to determine whether the client is eligible.
Eligibility for other services
The public legal education and referral services of The Law Centre are available free to all members of the public.
The Law Centre may provide legal advice, assistance and representation to First Nations and Metis clients who live in the Capital Regional District and who cannot afford a lawyer.
The Law Centre can also promote and facilitate access to the Human Rights Clinic program by First Nations individuals through outreach initiatives.
The Law Centre will work with First Nations communities and organizations to provide accessible, holistic, legal services to their members.
Specific Services
The Law Centre can:
- Provide advice and assistance in a variety of legal areas including: wills, residential school claims, housing, small claims, criminal and family matters;
- Provide legal advice about human rights issues such as discrimination, duty to accommodate and individual rights;
- Assist in the preparation of Human Rights complaints and represent clients in settlement discussions and at hearings before the BC Human Rights Tribunal;
- Provide legal advice about family law issues such as divorce, custody, access, support and restraining orders;
- Assist in the preparation of documents needed for Provincial Court and Supreme Court cases;
- Represent clients in Provincial Court with support and restraining order applications not covered by Legal Aid;
- Assist clients in restorative justice programs and diversion;
- Represent clients in Provincial Court with criminal matters not covered by Legal Aid.
Contact Us
We regret that we cannot make appointments or provide you with legal advice via email or over the phone.
Our location
Suite 225 – 850 Burdett Avenue, Victoria BC
Interviews for new clients
Monday to Friday, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM and 1:15 PM – 3:30 PM.
(250) 385-1221
Switchboard hours 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM daily
Please note we cannot offer legal advice via telephone or email.