service update

Due to concerns about the COVID-19 virus and efforts to protect the community, The Law Centre has had to temporarily limit the services it provides.  Our office remains open at present, accessible to clients by telephone and email only.  If there is a change in that regard we will provide information via our website, at

If you are a client of The Law Centre, the law student assisting you with your legal matter has completed their term early, and we are now embarked upon the between-terms period before a new law student becomes available.  We hope that will be in mid-June, 2020, though the ongoing and possibly changing situation is being monitored.  We regret that this will likely have impact on the timeliness, if not the ability, of our office to assist our clients with their legal matters.  We look forward to resuming assisting our clients in the usual way when the circumstances allow.

Staff at The Law Centre are presently in the process of reviewing files, determining what steps need to be taken in the current circumstances, and notifying clients by letter.  If clients have questions or concerns they are welcome to telephone or email The Law Centre and we will endeavor to call back.  It is possible there will be some delays in calling back.   The Law Centre reception though is not presently available to assist clients attending in person. Thank you for your patience.

Yours very truly,


Stephen Perks
Barrister & Solicitor
Assistant Teaching Professor
Acting Director, Clinical Law Program
The Law Centre
University of Victoria Faculty of Law

Contact Us

We regret that we cannot make appointments or provide you with legal advice via email or over the phone. 

Our location

Suite 225 – 850 Burdett Avenue, Victoria BC

Interviews for new clients

Monday to Friday, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM and 1:15 PM – 3:30 PM.

(250) 385-1221

Switchboard hours 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM daily

Please note we cannot offer legal advice via telephone or email.